Wednesday 20 June 2007

New address

Boy have I been run off my feet, making up a whole set of new GMail addresses for a promotion starting in September, and then getting them all (as well as four other accounts) all to feed into the same GMail mailbox.

Cause that's the way I'm heading, folks. All Google, all the time. The roster so far includes:

Umpteen blogs with Blogger
Google Reader
Six Google Notebooks
iGoogle home page
Google Talk
Google Docs and Spreadsheets
Google Calendar

Want to know why there isn't more? THOSE GOOGLE SLACKERS HAVEN'T INVENTED IT YET!

So anyway, if there's a power outage, or if Google goes down, I'm sunk. Except for the two blogs I mirrored with WordPress.

Wired? Who, me?

FORGOT to mention: Blog peeps can email me on the address consisting of the name of this blog, Grapes 2.0, without the space, then an at thingy, then gmail dot com. Oh, I know, I'll do it like this.